A stable, complete erection is an indicator of a man’s general health. But a decrease in potency indicates certain health problems. Bad sexual activity not only has a negative effect on family sex life, but also leaves traces in daily activities. Potential problems can occur at any age. Professionals are increasingly diagnosing sexual disorders in young people between the ages of 21 and 27. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to improve your erection quickly and easily.

What causes a decrease in erection?
To understand how to improve potency naturally without pills, you need to know the main reasons for its decline. After all, the root cause is what plays a crucial role in therapy. It should be noted at once that a rare one-time misfire can occur with anyone, even the toughest and healthiest person. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology. Indeed, men’s strength is affected by work, stress, colds. But if a poor erection persists for a long time, this is a reason to see a doctor.
Experts distinguish two main groups (causes) of decreased sexual activity: psychological and physiological. The psychogenic factor of erectile dysfunction is very common in men at a young age when there are no age-related chronic diseases. So stress is common. However, both negative and positive stressful situations can have a negative impact. In this case, it is not difficult to improve the erection. Other psychological causes include:
- Lack of sleep;
- Insomnia;
- Excessive stress (mental, physical);
- Family conflicts;
- Partner dissatisfaction;
- Workplace failures;
- General malaise;
- Depression;
- Lack of confidence in their abilities;
- Unsuccessful first sexual experience.
Malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits leave a mark on sexual functions. There are a number of diseases that can cause erectile dysfunction. So sexually transmitted diseases lead to poor erections, premature ejaculation. Diabetes, endocrine disorders, and cardiovascular problems block blood flow to the penis. And low testosterone synthesis "kills" male libido and thus potency. Other causes include inflammation of the prostate, urethritis, back and pelvic injuries, and congenital malformations of the genitals.
Medication to improve erection
After the test, the doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment after receiving the test results. If necessary, medication is used to improve the erection, depending on the cause. If poor sexual activity is caused by nervous system disorders, stress, and insomnia, mild sedatives are recommended. Such funds restore normal sleep very quickly, increase stress resistance. After a while, a full erection recovers on its own.
Usually, eliminating the root cause means a complete resumption of sex life. There is a group of drugs whose single dose allows a man to have sexual intercourse. These bases are aimed at releasing nitric oxide, dilating blood vessels and relaxing smooth muscles. All this promotes active blood flow in the penis.
Some remedies are natural, herbal pills. The only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to certain components of the drug. Such pills increase libido, erections. Its use is recommended to eliminate sexual weakness, increase endurance, prolong sexual intercourse.
Sport as a way to improve erections
To restore and maintain a good stable erection, you need to eliminate the sedentary lifestyle. Being overweight is a direct route to impotence. Therefore, sports are very important to improve erection. Regular physical activity improves overall blood flow, relaxes and restores the nervous system after a tiring day of work, increases immunity, and increases the production of the male sex hormone testosterone.
Weight loss is caused by the removal of harmful cholesterol from the blood and the replacement of adipose tissue with muscle tissue. In addition, a beautiful, sporty body boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. How to improve erection with sports? To achieve this goal, it is recommended to give preference to the most active sports: swimming, football, running, basketball. A special set of exercises has also been developed to be performed daily to improve male strength.
Exercise # 1
The man should lie on his back, place his arms along his body, bend his legs to his knees. When you inhale, the pool rises as high as possible. In this case, the upper back (shoulder blades) remain motionless on the floor. In this situation, you may want to delay for a few seconds and then return to your starting position when you exhale. The number of repetitions can be up to 15-20. Such movements improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, relieving stagnant processes.
Exercise 2
You have to lie on your back near the wall. The hood of the head should be 50 centimeters from the wall. At the entrance, the classic "birch" exercise is performed, but the legs are thrown behind the head until the toes touch the wall. It is worth staying in this position for a few seconds and returning to the starting position.
Exercise # 3
The starting position is standing. The arms are free along the torso or at the waist and the legs should be slightly bent at the knees. It then runs locally. Alternately, the heel breaks off the floor. But the socks stick tightly to the floor. Such movements in the pelvis increase blood flow to the genitals, which restores an erection.
Foods to improve erections
You can improve your erection and quality of sex with simple foods. There are quite a few aphrodisiac products in nature that increase libido. Many believe that only exotic expensive products are on the list. This is not true. To improve and strengthen your erection, the following foods should be present in every man's daily diet:
- Green onions;
- Garlic;
- Lomb;
- Carrot;
- Celery;
- Tomato;
- Fresh fruits;
- Walnut;
- Sour cream;
- Chicken eggs;
- Seafood;
- Honey.
To avoid erection problems, the young man’s body should receive a daily dose of zinc, potassium, calcium, selenium, and iron. In addition, it is not possible to give up meat consumption. But you only have to prefer dietary types. After all, meat is a powerful source of protein needed to produce testosterone, to build muscle mass.
By excluding certain foods, you can avoid an increase in cholesterol levels, which causes the blood vessels to become blocked. So fatty foods are strictly forbidden. Danger to male potency is caused by large amounts of salt, sugar, sweets, and smoked meats. Of course, you have to give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse.
Useful tips to improve erections
There are several ways to quickly improve sexual performance. Often, doctors advise men to practice a contrast shower. Water treatment should be done in the morning and evening and just before intercourse. Changes in water temperature have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, the circulation of the pelvic organs.
It is known that all nerve points are located on the legs. This foot massage improves nerve conduction, which increases male potency and endurance. Usually, the massage relaxes and normalizes sleep. This is a full eight hours of sleep, which is considered the key to male activity. And regulating work and rest regimes saves young people from sad consequences. So, to get rid of stress, in most cases it is enough to just change the environment - to go to the mountains, the countryside, the sea.
The best prevention of erectile dysfunction is regular sex. Doctors recommend intercourse with a regular sexual partner 2-3 times a week on average. Excessive sexual activity as well as a complete lack of sex life has an extremely negative effect on a man’s abilities. Exercising for morning sex is recommended to improve your erection. The benefits of morning sex can be attributed to the high levels of testosterone when a man wakes up. This will help solve the problem in a short time. As you can see, there are many ways to increase and improve your erection. But it is always better to prevent the problem than to deal with it.